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News Travel Tourism: Kenya Considers Removing Visas for All Foreign Travelers

News Travel Tourism: Kenya Considers Removing Visas for All Foreign Travelers

Announced during the opening of the African Climate Summit, this measure could become effective in a few months.

In the coming months, Kenya could eliminate visa requirements for all countries, according to statements made by President William Ruto during the African Climate Summit's opening. President Ruto noted that Kenya hosted the earliest human civilizations and, as such, it would not be appropriate to require visas from people worldwide visiting the cradle of humanity, their "home," as reported by The Star newspaper.

Several countries are already exempt Citizens from Comoros, Senegal, and Indonesia have already been exempt from visa requirements when traveling to Kenya since this summer, as reported by the AA news agency.

In May of this year, the Kenyan head of state announced his intention to lift visa requirements for all African Union (AU) citizens and initiated bilateral discussions in this regard.