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News Travel Tourism: Sections of Machu Picchu Temporarily Shut Down Due to Erosion

News Travel Tourism: Sections of Machu Picchu Temporarily Shut Down Due to Erosion

Maritza Rosa Candia, a delegate from the Ministry of Culture in Cusco, has announced the temporary closure of the Temple of the Condor, the Temple of the Sun, and the revered "Intihuatana" stone structure at Machu Picchu due to erosion caused by a high influx of visitors.

These iconic areas within the citadel have been closed for maintenance to prevent irreversible damage to the historic stone structures and to safeguard the cultural heritage of Peru.

Machu Picchu, Peru's premier tourist attraction, receives approximately 3,800 visitors daily. This architectural marvel, built in the 15th century on the orders of Inca ruler Pachacutec, stands at an altitude of 2,500 meters and holds UNESCO World Heritage status since 1981.