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News Travel Tourism: China Removes Covid Testing Requirement for Travelers

News Travel Tourism: China Removes Covid Testing Requirement for Travelers

In a significant move, China is opening its doors wide to international travelers. As reported by Rapide Visa, China has confirmed the elimination of the PCR or antigen Covid test requirement for travelers heading to China, effective from Wednesday, August 30th. However, it is still mandatory to complete a health declaration on this website. The generated QR code must be printed for presentation.

Temporary Exemption from Fingerprint Collection Additionally, Chinese authorities have informed RapideVisa of a temporary easing of entry requirements for China. From August 10th to December 31st, 2023, applicants in France for Chinese visas (tourism, business, family, crew, and transit) with one or two entries are temporarily exempt from fingerprint collection. The fingerprint-free visa can then be used within 3 months from the date of issue, for a maximum stay of 30 days, as specified by Rapide Visa.