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Product Review: Select – The Essential Ingredient of the Venetian Aperitif

If you're a fan of Italian aperitifs, you've probably already heard of Select. It's considered the essential ingredient of the authentic Venetian spritz, a refreshing drink that embodies the spirit of beautiful Venice. We had the pleasure of discovering this iconic product and subjecting it to a thorough review.

Origins and History:

Select was first distilled in 1920 in Venice by the Pilla Brothers. It's crafted from 30 carefully selected aromatic herbs, each contributing to its complexity and distinctive character. Among these herbs, rhubarb and juniper berries stand out.

Tasting Experience:

One of the most striking features of Select is its unique flavor profile. When you taste it, you can immediately sense delightful bitterness, balanced with hints of citrus and fresh herbs. Rhubarb brings a subtle sweetness, while juniper berries add a subtle spicy dimension.

How to Enjoy:

Select is versatile and can be enjoyed in several ways. Of course, it's an essential element of the Venetian spritz, but it can also be enjoyed neat with ice or mixed into other creative cocktails. Try it in a Negroni or an Americano for a different experience.


As a fundamental ingredient of the Venetian aperitif, Select deserves a special place in the world of spirits. Its long history and distinctive taste make it an essential choice for anyone who appreciates the art of the Italian aperitif. We invite you to explore the possibilities offered by Select and savor it in your favorite Italian drink. The drink has nothing to envy from the major brands that are more widely known worldwide.


Useful Links: https://gruppomontenegro.com/brand/spirits/