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Product Test: FlyWithWine Petite 8-Bottle | V.3 VinGardeValise

Are you a wine enthusiast who loves to travel but dreads the thought of leaving your favorite bottles behind? Look no further – FlyWithWine has you covered with their Petite 8-Bottle VinGardeValise. This wine travel accessory ensures your cherished wines, beers, and spirits have a safe journey from point A to point B. But that's not all; what sets this product apart is its versatility. The VinGardeValise allows you to remove all inserts, transforming it into a regular suitcase, making it one of the most versatile travel companions you'll ever own.

How It Works:

The VinGardeValise revolutionizes the way you travel with your favorite beverages. It's as simple as packing your beloved alcoholic drinks into the patented removable inserts and checking them in as luggage when you travel. This ingenious solution not only ensures your beverages arrive intact but also enables you to bypass shipping restrictions on alcohol to many states, making it an invaluable asset for wineries, breweries, and distilleries. Moreover, it enhances their product sales and guest experience, demonstrating an innovative solution to a common problem.

Special Features:

Asymmetrical Hinomoto Wheels: These wheels provide exceptional maneuverability, offering elite handling and comfort during transit.

TSA Compliant Lock: Integrated into the suitcase, this flush-mounted lock enhances safety when transporting valuable merchandise, meeting modern consumer expectations.

10-Year Manufacturer’s Limited Warranty: Confidence comes with a 10-year warranty covering any defects in materials and workmanship.

Proprietary Compound Material Shell: The 100% proprietary compound material shell, along with closed-cell foam with removable inserts, ensures both protection and flexibility.

Flexible Design: Patented removable inserts simplify packing, accommodating various bottle shapes and sizes. Consumers can mix wine and clothing or any combination they prefer.

Adaptable Bottle Capacity: Fly with any combination of bottles, ranging from 2 to 8, whether it's Champagne or Riesling (depending on the chosen model).

Colors and Sizes:

The FlyWithWine Petite 8-Bottle VinGardeValise comes in three stylish colors (black, burgundy, and silver) and three convenient sizes:

12 bottle unit: 18” x 13.5” x 27” | 14 lbs. Unpacked

8 bottle unit: 18” x 13” x 22” | 12 lbs. Unpacked

5 bottle unit: 9.5”D x 16”W x 22.8” L | 9.5 lbs. Unpacked

Say goodbye to worrying about the safety of your beverages while traveling and hello to a versatile, stylish, and reliable solution for all your wine, beer, and spirit transport needs. FlyWithWine's Petite 8-Bottle VinGardeValise is a game-changer for wine enthusiasts on the move.

More about the product: https://flywithwine.com/products/03-new-petite-8-bottle

More about the Brand: https://flywithwine.com/