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Enter the world of Crystal Euphoria at Billionaire Dubai

Enter the world of Crystal Euphoria at Billionaire Dubai

Celebrate Orthodox Christmas at Billionaire Dubai as the venue transforms into a Crystal Euphoria.

The enchanting haven of opulence, Billionaire Dubai has revolutionised the world’s lavish entertainment, forever redefining the concept of a dinner and show experience. Always seeking out excellence, the Masters of Extravaganza are transforming the hedonistic venue into a Crystal Euphoria, promising guests an unforgettable celebration of Orthodox Christmas on the 7th of January.

Orthodox Christmas at Billionaire Dubai   

As Billionaire Dubai transforms their enthralling venue into an iridescent wonderland, guests will be dazzled by a kaleidoscope of colours that will be mirrored in the vibrancy of an exhilarating show on stage, performed by world-class dancers, singers, and acrobats scouted from all over the world, ensuring a euphoric experience for all.

Enter the crystallised world of Billionaire Dubai through the signature red velvet corridor adorned with jewels and prepare to indulge in the opulence of the award-winning venue where celebrity chef Batuhan Piatti Zeynioglu’s specially curated menu of lush Italian & New-Asian Dishes offers an unparalleled culinary journey.

This Orthodox Christmas promises to be a sparkling affair as guests prepare to celebrate surrounded by a divine energy at Billionaire Dubai, where the Crystal Euphoria spreads unmatched cheer for the season.

Date: 7th of January 2024

Restaurant Timings: 9pm through to 3am

Location: Taj Hotel, Burj Khalifa Street, Dubai

To Book:  please call +971 (0) 4 510 3100 or WhatsApp: +971 (0) 56 678 3357   or email: dubai@billionairesociety.com