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Mark Cavendish’s Triumph and Tribute at Villa Masséna

On Thursday, August 29, 2024, the Villa Masséna in Nice was the venue for an exceptional ceremony in honor of Mark Cavendish, one of the greatest sprinters in the history of cycling. In the presence of Christian Estrosi, Mayor of Nice and President of the Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur, as well as numerous sports personalities, Cavendish received well-deserved recognition for his legendary career.

Mark Cavendish: A Cycling Legend

Mark Cavendish is a name that resonates in the memories of sports enthusiasts. With 35 stage wins in the Tour de France, he holds the record for the most victories in this prestigious race, surpassing the famous Eddy Merckx. A three-time winner of the green jersey, Cavendish has made history in the Tour de France, notably in 2024, when he bid farewell after winning the fifth stage. This victory, which occurred on July 21, will be remembered as a glorious moment for this exceptional sprinter.

An Emotion-Filled Ceremony

Christian Estrosi, accompanied by Pascal Condomitti, Deputy Mayor for Sports, Martine Martinon, Municipal Councilor in charge of Sports, and Yann Le Moenner, General Director of Amaury Sport Organisation, presided over this ceremony in Cavendish's honor. The event highlighted not only Cavendish's athletic achievements but also his special connection with the Nice region, a cycling hub that has contributed to the history of the Tour de France.

During the ceremony, Mark Cavendish was awarded the Aigla Nissarda échelon or, a prestigious distinction created in 1962 to honor individuals who contribute to the prominence of Nice. This title, presented by Christian Estrosi, makes Cavendish an honorary citizen of the city, alongside other illustrious personalities such as the President of Senegal, the President of Iceland, Simone Veil, and Prince Charles.

Memories and Anecdotes

Mark Cavendish, deeply moved, shared his career memories with the audience. He spoke about his beginnings 17 years ago when he participated in his first Tour de France and discussed the physical and personal challenges he encountered throughout his career. He expressed his gratitude to his family, particularly his wife, who supported him throughout his journey. Cavendish also mentioned his vacations spent in Nice with his family, a place he now considers his "new home."

"This is a perfect way to end my career," Cavendish said. "After 20 years of competition, it is time for me to rest in Nice. After the Tour de Nice, we seized the first opportunity to return here to have a good time. The Tour de France has been a dream for me since I was a child. It is an event that makes millions of people around the world dream. Nice is now my new home, and I enjoyed every second and every meter of this Tour de France."

Christian Estrosi also shared amusing anecdotes, such as the 2018 incident when Cavendish was outside the time limit for a stage, and the police wanted to stop him to reopen the road. He also recalled the Ice Bucket Challenge of 2014, an initiative to support research against Charcot's disease, in which Laura Tenoudji, Christian Estrosi's wife, participated recently. Christian Estrosi himself had taken up the challenge and had nominated three other athletes, including Mark Cavendish and Hugo Lloris in June 2024. Mark Cavendish accepted and completed the challenge with excellence.

Yann Le Moenner: A Key Partner

Yann Le Moenner, General Director of Amaury Sport Organisation (ASO), was also honored during the ceremony. A native of Nice, Le Moenner played a crucial role in organizing the Tour de France, notably during the 2024 edition, marked by significant challenges as the finish line was held in Nice for the first time instead of Paris since its creation in 1903. Despite these challenges, Nice managed to host the Tour brilliantly, further reinforcing its status as a city of sports excellence.

Le Moenner also received the Aigla Nissarda échelon or, highlighting Nice's attachment to the values of sport and the Tour de France. This distinction symbolizes the unity and passion that connect Nice and the world of cycling.

A Memorable Conclusion to an Outstanding Career

The ceremony in honor of Mark Cavendish was a poignant moment of recognition for an athlete who has left an indelible mark on the history of cycling. By becoming an honorary citizen of Nice, Cavendish joins an elite group of individuals who have contributed to the city's prominence. This recognition, along with the shared anecdotes, allowed for a fitting conclusion to the career of a man whose name will forever be associated with the grandeur of the Tour de France.

Mark Cavendish has now found a new home in Nice, where he can enjoy his well-deserved retirement while remaining a symbol of perseverance and excellence for future generations.