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The Better World Fund is an organization focused on using cinema and art to promote humanitarian action and sustainable development on a global scale. Its main objective is to raise awareness and gather funds for initiatives that have a positive impact on the world. The foundation aims to harness the consciousness-raising power of cinema to highlight powerful films centered around social, educational, and environmental causes.

The organization stands out with its unique disruptive format, offering a program rich in meaning and hope. It offers various activities such as conferences, masterclasses, a program called "Academia for a Better World," as well as networking events such as cocktails, lunches, and lavish gala dinners featuring artistic performances. Additionally, the foundation awards prizes to recognize leaders, entrepreneurs, and artists who have initiated a positive impact in their respective fields.

A notable event of the Better World Fund took place during the Cannes Film Festival in May 2023. During this event, influential personalities like Leonardo DiCaprio and Brazilian and indigenous delegations invited by the Amazonia Fund Alliance honored the foundation with their presence at the Carlton Cannes Hotel. This enhanced the visibility and prestige of the foundation, enabling it to reach a wider audience and generate more support for its initiatives.

3 Important points to remember about the Better World Fund :

Using Cinema For Awareness And Humanitarian Action

The Better World Fund acknowledges the role of cinema as a powerful conduit for social, educational, and environmental values. It employs this platform to raise public awareness about crucial issues and to gather funds in support of humanitarian action and sustainable development worldwide.

Disruptive Format And Significant Events

The organization distinguishes itself with its innovative format, seamlessly integrating elements like conferences, masterclasses, social networking, and gala dinners. These events create spaces where leaders, entrepreneurs, and artists can share their ideas and positive achievements, thereby inspiring others to take action for a better world.

Recognition Of Positive Initiatives

The Better World Fund honors and rewards individuals who have played an essential role in initiating a positive impact within their respective domains. This recognition aims to encourage and celebrate those who have brought about meaningful and inspiring changes in society, whether they are leaders, entrepreneurs, or artists.


Emirates-magazine.com proudly joins forces with a renowned foundation at the Cannes Film Festival, graced by the presence of Leonardo DiCaprio, in a shared pursuit of environmental, social, and humanitarian betterment. This partnership exemplifies our unwavering dedication to a sustainable planet while providing an influential platform to elevate the foundation's prestige and prominence.

Through collaborative efforts with influential luminaries, our united aim is to tackle urgent global challenges, ignite awareness, and foster transformative impact across entertainment, fashion, and philanthropy domains.

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