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News Emirates: A Handy DEWA Trick to Reduce Your Bills

News Emirates: A Handy DEWA Trick to Reduce Your Bills

We all dread those recurring bills, but they're a part of life. In a city like Dubai, where there's a plethora of opportunities to spend dirhams, knowing some clever ways to save money can be a game-changer. Here's a nifty hack to keep in mind, especially if you're leaving your Dubai home for an extended period, whether it's for a staycation or a vacation—it can help you cut down on your DEWA (Dubai Electricity and Water Authority) bill.

Here's how it works: head over to the DEWA app or website and activate the "Away Mode." What does this do? Well, it allows you to monitor your electricity and water usage while you're not at home. The beauty of this feature is that it helps you spot any DEWA-related issues, like a water leak, even when you're away.

But that's not all—you can also choose the activation period, giving you control over how frequently you receive updates on your electricity and water consumption while you're not in your residence.

Here's a handy tip: if you've signed up for DEWA notifications on the app and have enabled location services on your mobile phone, you'll receive a text message alert as soon as you arrive at DXB or Abu Dhabi airport, reminding you to activate the Away Mode.

So, the next time you plan to be away from your Dubai home for a while, remember this simple yet effective DEWA hack. It could save you some dirhams on your bills and provide peace of mind knowing your home is in good hands, even when you're not there.